Katsukawa Shunchō 勝川春潮 | Prosperity of the Family (Ehon sakae gusa) 絵本栄家種 | Japan | Edo period (1615–1868) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,Kitao Shigemasa 北尾重政 | Erotica; Compendium Guide to the Brothels of Osaka (Keiryaku ōzassho gyokumon taisei) 閨暦大雑書玉門大成 | Japan | Edo period (1615–1868) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,Kitao Shigemasa 北尾重政 | Erotica; Compendium Guide to the Brothels of Osaka (Keiryaku ōzassho gyokumon taisei) 閨暦大雑書玉門大成 | Japan | Edo period (1615–1868) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,Katsukawa Shunchō 勝川春潮 | Prosperity of the Family (Ehon sakae gusa) 絵本栄家種 | Japan | Edo period (1615–1868) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,REKIHAKU 特集・アートがひらく地域文化 | 国立歴史民俗博物館, 川村 清志, 天野 真志 |本 | 通販 | Amazon