Barbie Fashionistas Doll #168 with Smaller Bust & Long Red Hair, Zebra-Striped Dress & Accessories Including Large Hoop Earrings & Slip-on ,Barbie Fashionistas Doll #168 with Smaller Bust & Long Red Hair, Zebra-Striped Dress & Accessories Including Large Hoop Earrings & Slip-on Shoes,#5562 NRFB Mattel Japan Fashion Avenue Barbie Foreign Issue | eBay, バービー(Barbie) ファッショニスタ ドットワンピース 【着せ替え人形】【専用収納ケース付き】【3歳~】 GRB52 : おもちゃ,Rare Japanese I Love Barbie Bandai - Afternoon Party. New Out Of Box. Some Flaws